Salem Carrol
Salem Carrol
Salem Carrol
Hey! It's Salem with you! Bestest model in whole LS!
I live in the city centre and make porn. If you are curious about what I do, etc there are quite a lot of stuff you can buy already!
I consider myself the hot girl next door. Want a piece of me?
I also do private stuff. Reach out to me for orders. You have a specific kink or want me to make something specific for you? I'll do it for a tiny gift!
I'm SALEM on Cashtap if you want to leave a small gift! It's always appreciated.
  • 55 Posts
  • 39 Photos
  • Entertainer at Liberty
  • Lives in Los Santos
  • From Las Venturas
  • Female
  • Single
  • 03/12/2003
  • Followed by 464 people
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