This is where I will go to speak the unspoken.

All these words I cant bring myself to say out loud

I'll lay them to rest here.

This is your last chance to stop. I cant take back what comes next.


. T R I G G E R . W A R N I N G .

The thoughts and words contained in this blog are intended for mature audiences only. It will be raw and honest; a livewire organic portrait with layers of depression and (hopefully) healing. This space will showcase the navigation through some of the more difficult parts of life that many may find troublesome to speak or read about. It will put on display a wide range of emotions very likely influenced by the day-to-day of an average, flawed life. Please only read on if you feel you can handle it. Do what is best for your own head space first, foremost, and always. 


The contents of this article has been erased. 

Is it even working?
