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31/May/2023 The University of San Andreas, Los Santos, announces its own in-house Pharmacy. ULSA is actively investing in its campus and campus buildings. Since the new year has seen nearly four new development projects being set into motion, with the latest one, ULSA Diner, finished in early March, transforming the small eating canteen in the lecture hall and moving it over to its dedicated space in the School of Medicine & Natural Science building. Today sees yet another renovation with the ULSA Pharmacy following the initiative of Nurse Kaneko. Nurse Kaneko hails from Liberty City and brings an exciting attitude and will to drive a sought-after service as the initiator of the ULSA Pharmacy. Nurse Kaneko serves as the manager of the Pharmacy while studying for her Doctoral in Pharmacy. With the opening of the pharmacy accompanies a ULSA policy made to ensure the safety of the ULSA Community and customers. Keeping in line with state and federal laws. The policy is a testament to the dedication ULSA has to offer the city of Los Santos a sought-after service while also putting the health of the community first by practicing good faith medical services. Read the ULSA Pharmacy policy here: LINK. Require some medicine, need some advice not important enough for a doctor's appointment, or simply need some cosmetic products? Come by ULSA Pharmacy on the right side of the flag pole on ULSA Campus, Picture Perfect Drive, Richman, during opening hours. Read the message from Chancellor Charlotte Dunois to the ULSA Community. Chancellor Charlotte Dunois shared the following message with the ULSA Community. MESSAGE FROM THE CHANCELLOR || ADDITION OF ULSA POLICY: 008 ULSA PHARMACY REGULATIONS Dear Beavers, Our University Policy directory received a new policy today, ULSA POLICY: 008 ULSA PHARMCY REGULATIONS, which goes into effect immediately. With the opening of ULSA Pharmacy, a policy to regulate the sale of certain medicine and keep in line with state and federal laws was required. I am very happy to have a Pharmacy directly on ULSA Campus. This will undoubtedly help to improve the health and safety of the ULSA Community by offering safe access to appropriate medicine, care products, and student support. You can read the policy here: (( viewtopic.php?f=216&t=1669 )) For the rest of our policies, access our University Policy Directory here: (( viewforum.php?f=216 )) I wish you all a wonderful evening! Sincerely, Charlotte Dunois Chancellor |