Hello, you sick angels. 


City of LS calling, yo!

It's Therapist Torrez, ya homeboy, gold digger, mom eater, dad kisser, you know the drill. 

But today I come not to eat your mom. Instead, I want to talk about a very serious topic: therapy. 

I struggle to find someone who's able to give legit counseling in this city. That's why Therapist Torrez got you covered. But this reveals something far darker than it would seem: the whole city is depressed and hiding under a fake blanket of joy and colour. But their lives are colourless. The strangest thing I've seen so far is twenty year olds having breakdowns as if they were having a midlife crisis. And probably they are, 'cause they suck. But it's still no excuse. 

This post wasn't made with the intention of selling my services, but feel free to contact me at any time. I am Karmella's therapist and just look how wonderful she turned out. I'm also Hank Preston's therapist, but that one was a swing and a miss. We don't mention his name around these parts. 

In all seriousness, just grow up. Let kids be kids, let Hank be a mayor and give him the nuclear button. I trust Hank, though he's got the trademarks of that husband that is all smiles and then yells at his wife at home. I'm not saying he does, they're not my neighbors. All my neighbors do is moan day and night, poor girl must have a hole going from one end to the other. 

She might need counseling, too. 

Booking everyone a session for next Monday!