The GOP and the Preston Administration
Published by Freddy "Tell" Teller
The Publication can also be viewed online HERE
"The GOP and the Preston Administration", a publication by Freddy Teller that takes you through our Q&A session with Los Santos Mayor Hank Preston, covering the likes of the Los Santos Mayoral Elections, the Preston Administration, the controversial media post from former Los Santos Insider Journalist Mia Harris and former Republican Chair Jonathan Spencer.
Following the preliminary post announcing the publication of this article, we respectively reached out via Face browser to Hank Preston, In which he welcomed the article being published, as well as any questions that we may have for him In relation to this. Thereafter, four main subjects we're put to him, In which we also clearly stated that this is an Impartial and respectful publication, and that it was entirely up to his discretion whether he wished or not to answer these questions, or particular ones, and that we we're at liberty if so to note to our readers if these question's weren't commented on.
Below is the list of questions that we're aforementioned:
Los Santos Mayoral Elections
Q. The polling results speak for themselves.. 503 61.64% (PRESTON) 313 38.36% (BORDEAUX), an overwhelming majority for the Republican Party to secure the election, did you ever predict that during the campaign that this result was ever In doubt, or did you already make up that the majority of the Los Santos public was already on your side, and that this would be a landslide victory In your favour?
A. Since I threw my hat into the ring, there has been overwhelming support for my platform and goals in the election, which continued to grow as our campaign progressed. My team, Fred Coleman, and I were always confident about the outcome due to the effort we invested in our campaign.
Q. On the night of the election results being officially announced, and the victor being pro-claimed, Democratic Candidate Bordeaux declined to attend the Los Santos Insider's Election Coverage, do you take this as a sore and bitter loss from their side (Democratic Party) and for Bordeaux In particular having refused a stage with yourself, and did she ever congratulate your victory and agree to work with yourself for the benefit of Los Santos and it's citizens?
A. During the campaign period, Danielle displayed bitterness through tantrums that a mayoral candidate shouldn't be throwing. After the polls closed, she abruptly resigned from Pillbox Hill Medical Center, revealing her inability to handle defeat gracefully or cooperate with the new administration. Her departure hasn't affected us much as the new Director of PHMC is doing an excellent job.
Q. Would you agree that the defamation case of Danielle Bordeaux v. Jonathan Spencer ultimately led to the decisive Republican victory, and that the Democrats we're so heavily embroiled In this that led to them, and Mrs. Bordeaux, losing the election?
A. I believe it did. Juggling high-profile litigation and an election campaign isn't an ideal situation, it doesn't present a favourable image.
The Preston Administration
Q. Your administration has repeatedly denounced the use of Artificial Intelligence I.E Google Bard, ChatGPT and so forth In relation with city registration forms, applications or any type of city government related documents, would you agree, without obviously discrediting the Incredible capabilities and uses that we get from Artificial Intelligence within fields like Science or generally Improving our everyday lives, that this specific field is dangerous when It come's to misinformation, and whether this will be properly monitored and regulated by your Administration?
A. Many of us recognize the potential of AI in various sectors. While it has its benefits, the concerns about misinformation, effort, and intentions, especially in government documents are very much valid. We are actively working on regulations, and collaborating with experts and the public to ensure AI is kept free of forms and applications.
Q. You've always been a strong advocate when It comes to better Improving education, Republican Senator Andrew Brandenburg having held a conference at Davis High School, Los Santos on the 10th October, In which he approached the subjects of educational improvements, state-funded grants for foster-care children and rehabilitated ex-convicts and the importance of education for a stable future in San Andreas, as well as having donated a substantial amount to Davis Highschool of his own wealth.
Teachers, support staff etc. all play a fundamental role In better Improving our education sector and bringing up the future generation, Is education therefor at the forefront of your Administration when It come's to securing Jobs for teachers and staff, as well as better Improving the system as a whole with guaranteed funding and support?
A. My wife was a kindergarten teacher for about a decade, so the topic of education and public schooling is a rather close-to-home subject for me.
Education is a key focus in my Administration and I firmly believe that a society's progress scales based on its access to education and knowledge. As Mayor, it is my duty to advocate for strong policies and funding for our public schools through the City Council, with the input and needs of our schools staff and leaders.
Controversial Post from Mia Harris
Q. You we're highly commended for being one of the first Individuals to call out the controversial post from Mia Harris, describing a teacher as quote "stupid", and for calling for her subsequent resignation from the Los Santos Insider.. do you think that this was a Journalist that was not at all on par with the common values of Journalism I.E Impartiality, objectivity and fairness?
A. I think Mia Harris' meltdown in the comment section of her article and treatment of one of our community's well-respected teachers speaks for itself. Journalists are meant to be impartial, searching for objective facts, not belittling someone who is both a senior citizen and a public school teacher.
Former Republican Chair Jonathan Spencer
Q. Having recently been ousted from the Republican Party, there was a recent blog post from an anonymous correspondent showing what looks to be graffiti aimed at Jonathan Spencer, reading "Death to Spencer" and "LGBTQ" (Note to Readers - Confirmation of the location of this as being outside the residence of Jonathan Spencer.)

The correspondent was also quick to Imply that, from quote "truthful sources" (no official confirmation of what sources, If organisational or particular Individuals), that this was from quote "Republican Officials and Supporters", do you denounce these claims, and is this just a stunt In an attempt to perpetrate yourself and the Republican Party?
A. Frederick Coleman and I have been arguably the least controversial candidates Los Santos has seen in a long time. Having run on a platform focused on practical solutions and experience, we don't care to occupy our time with petty nonsense, and certainly not shady threats towards other politicians despite how much we may disagree with them.
We've already seen a slew of fake news attempts against me, there's no dirt to dig up or controversy so people have to invent it for attention. People have claimed I was directly responsible for reinstating the death penalty, a conspiracy blog post claiming Republicans run a masonic empire, and even people trying to push perverted claims, implying my wife is actually my daughter due to a supposed age gap, despite being only four years apart?
It's very sad to see that when good men try to do their job, they will have to face adversity from detractors and trolls who serve to spread propaganda and misinformation.
(Note to readers - As an Independent Journalist, the only verification I have of the above Image is the location of which this was taken, and that I must note to readers that this from an anonymous source that did not credit or mention the "truthful sources", therefor I am In no right and/or obligation to confirm the aforementioned accusations from the post).
Having concluded the Q&A, we took the time to thank Hank Preston for participating, and welcomed any further statements that he may have for us In the future.
This being one of our first official publications, we'd like to welcome people with any opinions and/or suggestions that they may have, and to ultimately shape Independent Journalism that provides Independent, real and unique coverage, to break away from the "Status Quo" of modern day Journalism.. news that is true to the people.
"The GOP and the Preston Administration"
Published by Freddy Teller
(Mail: [email protected]
Mobile: 64261385)