The Open Doors Initiative's inception dates back in the Summer of 2023. Initial brief talks between the two trustees - Arthur Scarpino and Nikos Karagiorgis - were held in August, and again in September, agreeing to the core mission of the Initiative.
"We wish to create a platform through which people who currently live near or under the level of poverty can be given an opportunity to escape these conditions through Higher Education.
We wish to create the means and the capability that rehabilitated individuals can be given a second chance to create something meaningful with their lives.
We want to be the force that Opens Doors to those less fortunate, less privileged but not less capable, to realise their full potential and rise into our new generation of scientists, business men and women, leaders and star athletes"
With this goal in mind, we have jointly created the Open Doors Initiative - a scholarship fund that will give the opportunity to study in the University of Los Santos, San Andreas (ULSA) as well as live on Campus, to the following type of applicants:
- High School Graduates or recently graduated young adults who cannot afford to do so
- With the (hopeful) adoption of SB 144 - Fair Education and Opportunity Act of 2023
- Juveniles approaching enrollment age, raised in Foster Care
- Rehabilitated Juveniles
- Rehabilitated young adult ex-convicts
There are a lot of young people who are driven to a life of crime, not out of personal choice but out of necessity. Unable to afford higher education, they are locked out of the types of Employment that would give them economic prosperity and security. The situation in the poorer neighborhoods of our city places great demands on these young people. They are pushed into criminal activities, in order to "earn" enough to cover their basic necessities and often times, that of their families'.
Many young minds, with the potential for greatness and many young bodies with the athletic promise to be champions are denied this opportunity for a barrier that should never be an absolute one - Money.
Through our Scholarships, we wish not only to fund someone's tuition fees, but also to shield them from an environment that will keep tempting and pushing them to a life they no longer wish to lead.
For each of our applicants we will devote an amount that covers their full tuition fee, as well as the first year of residence in the University Dormitories, allowing those beneficiaries of an Open Doors Scholarhip to truly focus on their studies, and their future.
And this is only the begining. We are working closely with the City's HHS, collaborating with their Affordable Housing Program to create pathways that will allow poor families, victims of abuse, and anyone that has found themselves yearning for a second chance, to get it.
We call out to anyone that wises to support us, to do so in any way they feel able to. Promotion of our posts to raise awareness is the primary and easiest method to do so, they require absolutely no contribution and it will enable us to be seen by more people, allow us to help more people.
Relevant Legal Information:
Charity Registration Code: C009/23
Date of Acceptance: 29th Sept. 2023
Charity Offices Address: Badger Tower Office Complex - Floor 11, Room 3
This Function has implemented a full KYC system for donations.
All Financial information is submitted to the Department of Finances / Los Santos Government for full transparency and accountability.