The Wig Out Breast Cancer event, hosted jointly by the Public Defender's Office and Diversify, was a great show of support and awareness for breast cancer as we bid farewell to October. Our ADA
Michael Brovarsky, Chief of Staff, was in attendance, along with SADCR
Warden George McLaughlin, JSA HR Director [rbellante], Supervising Judge
Jennifer Scherer, and Chief Public Defender slash event organizer,
Laurent Blackwell.
#BreastCancerAwareness #WigOut The Wig Out Breast Cancer event, hosted jointly by the Public Defender's Office and Diversify, was a great show of support and awareness for breast cancer as we bid farewell to October. Our ADA [mbrovarsky], Chief of Staff, was in attendance, along with SADCR [GeorgeCMcLaughlin], JSA HR Director [rbellante], Supervising Judge [JenniferScherer], and Chief Public Defender slash event organizer, [LaurentBlackwell]. #BreastCancerAwareness #WigOut